Patients are welcome to join our Practice if they live in our inner catchment area.
Enter your postcode below to see if you are in the practice’s catchment area. You can find further information here about where you may be able to register.
Catchment Area
We do have an inner and outer boundary so patients who move from our inner boundary to the outer boundary can stay registered with the practice for continuity of care.
Non-urgent advice:
If you are in doubt please contact the surgery and we can check for you on 01283 249923
If you do have your NHS Number please bring this along with you and a record of any medication you are currently taking.
Before Registering please provide:
- Photographic ID
- Proof of Address
Please come to the surgery during the hours of 8.00am to 5.00pm Monday to Friday and one of our reception staff will provide you with the necessary forms to complete.
Alternatively you can download the form below:
For help completing a GMS1 form please see our Guide below:
As part of your registration process, you will be invited to provide medical history information in the form of a questionnare that will help us to treat you prior to obtaining your full medical records from your previous GP.
Please do NOT post or email your forms.
Non-urgent advice: Notice
You will also be requested to use our blood pressure machine and height/weight machine which are both located in a private area of our waiting room.
These details will be added to your records following your registration